Neurological Conditions

Driving after stroke, cerebral thrombosis, amaurosis

Following a stroke, TIA, mini stroke, cerebral thrombosis or amaurosis fugax, drivers will need to satisfy the medical standards of fitness needed for safe driving.

When DVA investigates a medical condition

Medical enquiries will need to be undertaken if any of the following circumstances apply:

  • one month after a stroke there are residual symptoms causing limb weakness, or visual disturbance, or problems with co-ordination, memory or understanding;
  • epileptic attacks of any kind have occurred, other than those within the 24 hours following the stroke event;
  • brain surgery was required as part of the treatment for the stroke event;
  • there has been more than one stroke event within the past three months;
  • your doctors have expressed concern about your fitness to drive; and
  • you hold either a current Large Goods Vehicle (LGV) or Passenger Carrying Vehicle (PCV) licence.

Persistent limb disability following a stroke event may not prevent you from holding a driving licence. Adaptations to a vehicle and/or restriction to automatic types of vehicle may help you to overcome driving difficulties even when there are quite complex disabilities.

The law requires adaptations or restriction to certain types of vehicles to be noted on your licence. Therefore you will need to tell DVA if adaptations are necessary. In the interests of road safety you must be sure at all times that you can safely control a motor vehicle.

If you have any doubts as to whether any of the above points apply to your case, you should discuss the matter with your doctor(s). You will need to contact DVA if any of the circumstances listed above are relevant to your case.

You can tell DVA about your condition by:

Surrendering your licence

If you have been advised by your doctor that you should not be driving, you may voluntarily surrender your licence and reapply for its return in the future when you have the support of your doctor(s).

GP fees

DVA will pay the proper fee to your GP (doctor) for the filling in of your medical form(s) on the first occasion only.

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